Educational, scientific and imaginative literature, dissertations, preprints and periodicals from the university's library fund. Login to get access to our full-text database.
The system combines all full-text resources available from university's computers. To get access from outside of the university, you will need to get a password.
More than just a simple journal listing service, EBSCO A-to-Z is a powerful locator tool that helps researchers to discover all of the electronic resources offered at the library.
List of electronic library systems (EBS)
Library provides access to various electronic library systems (initial registration - from the computers of university!) for the students, researchers, teachers and employees of MEPhI (including subsidiaries).
 | EBS «iBooks» | Database provides access to more than 380 documents on jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, pedagogy from leading Russian publishing houses |  | EBS «Lanbook» | Includes electronic versions of both books by leading publishers of educational and scientific literature (including university publishers) and periodicals in various fields of knowledge |  | EBS «Urait» | Library fund consists of more than 4000 titles and is constantly updated with new products, most of which are textbooks and teaching aids from leading scientific institutions |  | EBS «Student Library» | Provides access to more than 900 textbooks, manuals, atlases, monographs, workshops, from "Medicine. Healthcare (HPE)" and "Medicine. Health care. Basic collection" collections and "Phoenix","Publishing house MPEI" publishing houses |  | EBS NRNU MEPhI | Contains full texts of more than 1000 monographs, teaching aids and educational and methodical publications published by NRNU MEPhI |  | ЭМБ «Консультант врача» | Клинические рекомендации •Национальные руководства •Монографии •Лекарственные справочники •Библиотека для пациентов («Школы здоровья»). •Атласы. •Учебники. •МКБ-10 и АТХ (международная классификация болезней 10-го пересмотра и анатомо-терапевтическая х |  | ProQuest Ebook Central | Доступ к базе данных ProQuest Ebook Central для российских пользователей прекращен. Компания правообладатель Clarivate, приостанавливает деятельность на территории Российской Федерации.
ProQuest Ebook Central содержит две коллекции полнотекстовых электронных книг от ведущих зарубежных издательств:
1. Pro Quest Ebook Science and Technology - коллекция электронных книг по науке и технике;
2. ProQuest Health & Medicine Ebook Subscription - коллекция электронных книг о здоровье и медицине. |  | ЭБС «SocHum» | ЭБС «SocHum» - коллекция учебно-методической литературы и научных журналов по социогуманитарным дисциплинам и направлениям: социология, философия, психология, юриспруденция, культуроведение, экономика и управление, языкознание, религиоведение. |
Note: In our online catalogues we've implemented a simultaneous search in all electronic library systems available for MEPhI. After logging in you will be able to see links for full-text versions as well.
If you have any questions and/or suggestions regarding EBS, please contact us using the feedback form located at the bottom of every page of the website.